How Often To Feed My Britlenose Pleco?

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
South Texas, USA
Hi everyone, today I bought a Britlenose Plecostomus to go with my Opaline Gourami since I moved my platies to my newest tank.

And I have a simple question: How often should I feed it?

It's about and inch and a half long so I was thinking 1/4 of a half-inch diameter algae wafer every other day, and cucumber or zucchini on weekends.

No, I do not have driftwood/bogwood in my tank right now, I'm thinking of getting some later as I've heard Plecos like it.

Anyway, if anyone has suggestions on when to feed my Pleco or improvements on what the feeding schedule I came up with it'd be much appreciated.

Hi everyone, today I bought a Britlenose Plecostomus to go with my Opaline Gourami since I moved my platies to my newest tank.

And I have a simple question: How often should I feed it?

It's about and inch and a half long so I was thinking 1/4 of a half-inch diameter algae wafer every other day, and cucumber or zucchini on weekends.

No, I do not have driftwood/bogwood in my tank right now, I'm thinking of getting some later as I've heard Plecos like it.

Anyway, if anyone has suggestions on when to feed my Pleco or improvements on what the feeding schedule I came up with it'd be much appreciated.


1 to 2 times a week I would, Mines eats the corys pellets though. But if you drop wafers in the tank at least twice in a week you'll be fine,.
Is it a fully grown pleco or a baby one? If the latter, and you want it to grow healthy and strong, then feed it every 24 hours, variety of food(algae, veg), even if you have to remove lefovers...until adulthood. Treat him like a baby which he/she is
Make sure hungry competitors don't steal that mini size wafer too. For my baby bristlenose, and he was tiny when I got him, I put two full sized algae wafers. Between the other fish in the tank and himself, he manages to hang on to one of them for long enough for me to be sure he gets anything to eat. The rest of the fish savage the rest in no time along with their own food. I feed him small pieces of veg and fruit at least twice a week or whenever I've got something nice in the fridge and that's on top of the daily algae tablets.They love that stuff. Even twice daily for fry/babies will be beneficial if you can spread out the food this way but it's hard in a community tank doing that. Also, it's no good if you let them eat the high protein/non vegetarian food other fish normally get. They'll eat it out of hunger but it's a bad diet. Similar to feeding your dog with cow food for example, or the other way round...
Agree with snazy, you want to be feeding it daily for optimum growth and health.

PS. I also agree on the point of not feeding fish that need green matter ordinary pellets
PPS. Use courgette ( zucccillillalini or whatever you call it :p ) instead of cucumber, it provides better nutrition as cucumber it just water for the most part.

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