How often should I feed wafers to my catfish??


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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I have 3 albino cory cats, 2 of which are little. When I put a single algae wafer in there, it takes them (and my male molly) about half of a day to finish it. How often should I put one in there? I'm using Hikari algae wafers and have a bag of wardley too (that I might return to w/m since I guess Hikari is better).
i use to only put half of an algae wafer in each day until i realised that virtually every single fish in the tank would take a nibble and now i put a whole wafer in once or twice a day :)
Hi gale :)

Hikari wafers for bottom feeders are excellent food for your corys, but they should have some some live or frozen blackworms, tubifex or bloodworms too.

As far as the Wardley's brand goes, take them back if you can. They are not as good a quality as the Hikari brand these days. :X
Thanks to both of you. I totally didn't expect twice a day. lol. I figured once every 2 or 3 days would be right. I'm sooo afraid that I will overfeed and cause an ammonia spike that I mainly feed my fish either every other day or 2 on, 1 off.

I will ask at the lfs about the other foods mentioned and I am going to take back the wardley brand. I don't even know why I bought it. I'm half japanese so I usually love to buy japanese brands, hikari included. Too bad the stores near me don't have hikari tropical foods.

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