How often do you do water changes?


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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I've been thinking about starting a marine tank, but probably won't for awhile. I was just wondering how often you have to do water changes with a salt water tank, and how much water you change. Also, i was reading one of hte pinned articles and it says you need to use "reverse-osmosis" water. Is that the same thing as distilled water? Is it really necessary? Those are the only questions i can think of right now. Thanks
k2snowboards88 said:
I've been thinking about starting a marine tank, but probably won't for awhile. I was just wondering how often you have to do water changes with a salt water tank, and how much water you change. Also, i was reading one of hte pinned articles and it says you need to use "reverse-osmosis" water. Is that the same thing as distilled water? Is it really necessary? Those are the only questions i can think of right now. Thanks
The frequency all depends on the setup. If you have a setup that will naturally remove nitrates (DSB, mangroves, etc.)...the only purpose of a change with such a setup is to replace nutrients lost in the water. And you can go a lot longer without a change.

However, A typical Fish-Only setup with no live rock or live sand will require changes every couple weeks depending on your bio-load on the tank. Because you are not denitrating at all, you need to remove nitrates by performing regular water changes.

I use distilled water but its a matter of personal preference on what to use to top off with. :rolleyes:

If you haven't already, pick up a marine care book somewhere and give it a good read. I spent 2 months doing nothing but reading about the hobby so I would be prepared and not be overwhelmed. And let me tell ya it worked. The first book I read was "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies". People can laugh but it was a great overall introduction and made all the "inside" talk easy to understand later on. :thumbs: Then you can read more books if you like, but I learned a lot from this forum on top of that book.

All of us here love our hobby and like to help when whenever we can :D
Hey...don't be embarrassed about the dummies books...I used the 'Idiot's' book for Freshwater and it was excellent. Frank
I change about 10% once every couple of weeks as well. Since I just have a small tank, I buy pre-mixed salt water straight from the LFS.
TBLightningFan said:
If you haven't already, pick up a marine care book somewhere and give it a good read. I spent 2 months doing nothing but reading about the hobby so I would be prepared and not be overwhelmed. And let me tell ya it worked. The first book I read was "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies". People can laugh but it was a great overall introduction and made all the "inside" talk easy to understand later on. :thumbs:
that wuz the 2nd book i bought :lol: i figured i wuz the only one to ever buy it, lol
Water changes really depend on the bio load of the tank, filtration, size of the tank, ect... There are a few of us that have gotten it down to 20% water change 1 to 2 times a year. This is the case with my 15 gallon nano, and the last year I had my 75 gallon (pic below) I dont think I did do a water change. Keep in mind that it takes a very well thought out tank in order to do so. When I do my water changes I will only use RO water. This is to keep out the chemicals and algae that you get in tap water. RO and distilled water are different. RO does have some trace elements where Distilled does not.
20-25% every 2 weeks or 3-5 days after adding a new fish

by the way, i use tap water with declorinator,.....havent the money for a RO or distild
My 100 gallon tank was setup in may 2004. I didnt do a single water change (other than evaporation topups) until November 2004.

I do run a MM and mangrove system and the reason i did a water change was i discovered that i had a ow magnesium rating. I now do a 20 gallon water change ever 6 weeks

If i was running a more conventional berlin style tank then i would probably do a 10% change every 2 weeks
I change 5 gallons about every two weeks or so..I do have 60 lbs of live sand and 25 lbs of live rock..I use only RO water its relativly cheap at $1.60 for 5 gal
so its possible to set up a salt water aquarium without live sand and rock? All the pinned topics make it sound impossible. I have an extra 5 gallon tank and i was wondering if theres any easier fish like maybe a clown fish that i could put in it. I wouldn't be worried about water changes costing too much because its so small.
Sorry but a 5 gallon tank is just too small for a fish. You could pack it with corals and inverts but thats your limit im afraid.
Its possible to run a tank without liverock but its far more complext IMO.
lets just say it cost me more to run my 10gl than it does to run my 100gl tank. its more to do with rapid changes in a small tank like temp it will up and down like a yoyo im not saying it cant be done. hopefully there will plenty of advice to help you cope with a 5 gl tank, as for clowns they would need a bigger tank too

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