How often do peppered cory's spawn?

Corys are reasonably easy to convince to spawn. Feed them high-end foods like brineshrimp and bloodworms, then lower the water level in the tank to only a few inches for a week or so. Then, top up the tank with cool, soft water and you will see eggs immediatly. Remove them from the glass, plants, and wherever else they stick and keep them in a small container with some anti-fungal meds.
Once they hatch, they need the tinyist of foods, so have vinegar eels, white worms, daphnia, and powderd egg yolk ready to offer. Young fish may choke to death on baby brine shrimp, so wait a few weeks before offering these. Siphon off any uneaten food regularly with an airline hose to avoid deterioration of water quality. A margarine tub or 1 gallon aquarium is great for raising corys.

Good luck and have fun!
Hi tuffers :)

Once you have your breeding tank ready, they will spawn when you want them to.

I usually feed them heavily on blackworms for a week or so and then turn the heater off overnight. In the morning I turn it back on and SLOWLY bring it back to normal. Then a big water change and they usually spawn within the next few days. :D

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