How Often Do I Test The Water?


New Member
Sep 19, 2010
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Hello all,
I was just wondering, before I get my first fish, how often I should test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates?
Most people these days are doing a fishless cycle, and Its rather important.

I'm sure someone can provide a link to the fishless cycle, i'm afraid I don't know it.

But it will require you testing your water every 12-24 hours, for a few weeks-months even.

It sounds daunting, but its best for your fish this way.

The other way is fish IN cycling, less approved of these days, as it can cause damage to your fish..

So, it all comes down to, are you patient enough to give your fish the best they can get, or are you going to dive straight in and be prepared for the possibilities of causing a couple fish deaths, horrid yes, but nonetheless a reality.

Whatever the choice, the lovely users here will guide you all the way through your cycle, and everything will be lovely!!
I should have mentioned that I have done a fishless cycle and and finishing my qualifying week today
. I have been testing the water once or twice a day but presumably I can dial that back a bit now I have grown the bacteria.
I should have mentioned that I have done a fishless cycle and and finishing my qualifying week today
. I have been testing the water once or twice a day but presumably I can dial that back a bit now I have grown the bacteria.

Oh thats fantastic news :good:

Well, in that case, I test my water every friday, before I do my water change. Though I also do a spontaneous test every once in a while just to check on things.
i normally test mid week and
if i spot anything strange going
on how long did it take you to cycle your tank
Once you have added your fish and confirmed over a few days of testing that things are indeed cycled, I would test every time I had reason to suspect a problem. Other than that, just test a few days after changing your stocking levels to make sure things are still under control. My own personal test kit gets used for each new tank that I stock and may even be tested daily for a few days if I have somehow failed to fully cycle the new tank before adding the fish. The rest of the time it sits and gathers dust.

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