how much?


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
im just wondering wat i should feed my betta... ive been feeding it bloodworms (frozen) and hikari betta food~(in the shape of tiny balls) and i was just wondering if there should be a certain amount to feed it after a week?

just so i know if im over feeding..
i also have 4 cories and 3 adfs in with it
I feed my bettas 4-5 Hikari pellets a day, except when I feed frozen or live bloodworms, which is twice a week. I also fast them once a week.

Sometimes I feed them each a thawed, de-skinned pea instead of the pellets.

For my ADFs, I use a turkey baster, because they have such poor eyesight. This prevents me from having to put a too much food in the tank, just so the frogs eat.

I feed mine 4-6 pellets a day (half in the morning and half in the evening) and I also fast him once a week and then the day after feed him a pea :nod:
thank you :)
ive been feeding my catfish a pellet every night and my betta always like to carry it around in its mouth like a bone... :lol: its so funni when my lil panda decides to chase him for it. :D

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