how much?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2003
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hey, i've heard a lot of ppl talk about exchanging fish for store credit at their LFS, and would like to ask one of the fish stores around here if they would do this. the one LFS i picked is a really nice, it has huge exhibit tanks and such for salt and fresh water fish (they have red tail cats and that) its not really a big chain but has a few other locations in the US (i think) would they let me do this store credit thing? ok 2 the fish, i would like to get rid of my white tiger oscar, around 8-10 inches, around how much should i expect to get (i know its not going to be much) of course id also like to get rid of some platys, guppies, and tetras as id much rather have small cichlid tanks (might as well work with the water i got, hard) i think id about give them away... do u think theyd take them? id really like to get sumthing for the oscar tho THANX!
If I were you, I would just buy another tank! :fun:
I'm not sure about the Oscar, maybe $40-$50, though I've never kept them and only base it off what my store sells them at.
most stores will take fish for credit, although big fish are harder for them to find homes for, a LFS like yours sounds like the perfect home for him.
I would not be surprised if you only got $10 for the Oscar. They sell large ones for $20 around here and I know the stores around here only give you half of what they would sell it for in store credit.

That is based on my local area I do not know how other places do it.
a rough idea is to divide the price they sell them for by three

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