How much would you pay for this set-up?


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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"Gorgeous 72 Bowfront Reef Aquarium. Comes complete with 125+lbs live fiji and marshal rock, 140lbs live sand and all 10 corals that are shown. Also a 1 year old sea bae anemone with the maroon clown fish and yellow wrasse. Complete Catalina lighting system, 4X 55 watt pc. Ebo jagger 150 watt heater, protein skimmer, 2 800 gallon per hour power heads, 15 gallon rubber maid sump with overhead pvc pipe return, hang on back over flow, 1 large bristol star, 2 sexy shrimp, several hermit crabs and a lot of live night life. Also comes with extra bag of kent salt, fluval 304, 5 1/2 gallon tank with bio balls. Back of tank is painted blue but can be removed easily if chosen to. This tank is over 1 1/2 years old so it is very mature and stable. Right corner on stand has minor water damage, otherwise in excellent condition."

Found it for sale's a picture.
cant see the picture :blink: .

It depends on what make some of the equipment is. i.e., you could have a "lee's" internal air driven skimmer worth £27 or a deltec skimmer costing £250 which both fall under the same name "skimer so it depends on a few things.

ste :)
Picture's too big to upload. I'll put it up ASAP. Anybody have any favorite sites for completely FREE photo hosting? It's ~900k.....

There she is....but until I get more information on the equipment (I emailed him, so I'll tell ya pretty soon what all of it is), let's just pretend it's average. About how much would you say it's worth?
I'd guess that if that were to sell here in the UK, then it would probably go for anything between 450-800/900 but it is really hard to tell.

ste :)
photoshop the photo ... should be easy to make it 100k or less... its probably in bmp...

The tank doesnt have overflows... problem #1

250... 72 Bowfront Reef Aquarium/stand(back is painted, stand is stained)not drilled
200...125+lbs live fiji and marshal rock,
0... 140lbs live sand and all
100... 10 corals that are shown.
0... 1 year old sea bae anemone
0... maroon clown,yellow wrasse.
50... Complete Catalina 4X 55 watt pc - old light source.. too low (probably why he is selling you will need to spend the money to get new bulbs....)
10... Ebo jagger 150 watt (heater should have 2 really)
protein skimmer,
20...2 800 gallon per hour power heads,
0...15 gallon rubber maid sump with overhead pvc pipe return, (too small make your own)
0....hang on back over flow POS
30 realy should Not use this for filteration with LR from what I have read...fluval 304, 5 1/2 gallon tank with bio balls.

650 tops and it is used so....
The livestock is debatable if it is worth anything or not.. you will need to set up the tank... unless you have a reef going now... where will you put the stuff? You really need to set up the tank with your own water /salt mix and get that going...
Also get some holes in that puppy... from what I hear HOB overflow is just not good (get 2 overflows right off the bat).

I'm no expert, but that is my reading for it.
Adrinal said:
you will need to set up the tank... unless you have a reef going now... where will you put the stuff? You really need to set up the tank with your own water /salt mix and get that going...
IMO.......You can/should keep the water if you are keeping all the live stock.
I would test it before you buy it, If all is good save it if it can be transported to your house. I have done this with a 65g reef, within 4 hours and 35 miles everything was setup and running, The tank has been at my friends for two months now and it's doing great. I do agree with price and everything else that was posted by the other members :D
Oh ya... sorry... keep the water if you can...
I just ment... transport is hard :) for me...
Especially because I know I wouldnt use a tank without 2 drains again....
but if you are ok with the way it is a few buckets and juggs and pain killers... Keep the water for sure.
Well it wasn't too bad considering I have a truck but if I did not have it @#*@&@ I don't know what we would have done. :S It is an all day event and if you do it plan ahead so you can have shortest down time for the tank.
I have that same coral life light, or at least it looks like the same one, I gave $250 for it new. Looks to me like a nice set up, they have put alot into it. If you can get it for under a grand, I would do it. Get alot of 5gal. pails and take the water also. I moved mine from Iowa to Chicago area that way.(six hour drive) I didnt have anything die on me.

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