How Much Wattage, And What Are The Reflectors Adding?


I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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I have a 46g Bowfront and only have the original lighting on it. Its one f30t8 bulb, the lighting unit has reflectors in. Is this 30 watts? and what do the reflectors add? So far I have had really nice growth, while very slow, it seemed like I had a good balance. Recently I am seeing some melting on my sword leaves.
The edges of some of the other plants look a little dark, I feel like thats the start of a problem as well.

I have been medicating this tank like crazy trying to get rid of a pesky parasite issue, introduced with new fish. The melt didn't come from there, it started right before I was medicating. I want to be sure I am thinking of everything... At least when the medicating is over I will be doing everything to get my good balance and get the most from my plants in the lower light.

If I had good growth and healthy plants with this bulb until now, I should be looking at other factors for the melt right? How much fertilizer would you be adding with this lighting setup? I mix my own macro and use csm+b for my micro in my other tank, I always toss a bit in here, but I would like to start dosing with purpose. Thanks for your thoughts. Tried to keep this one short. I talk to much. :lol:
I'm led to believe that reflectors add 50%, as i've never measured the light values with & without i don't really know if that's true
How long has the sword been in for ? It does sometimes take a while for them to start melting, or has it been grown submersed before ?
Well, it's been in for 2 months now. Some of my others were recently moved. Maybe it's just that.
FF04, I bought a Juwel reflector today - a three-sided tin strip, which clips onto the tube and adds a 100% light increase...according to the box! Depends on how clean your reflector is I suppose.

It certainly does increase reflected downlight, but I actually bought it to reduce the light and have positioned it below the tube...mainly because it scares the c##p out of the fish when I switch on in the morning, and I want a tank with variable light-level control, even if only mechanical! Oh, for a dimmer switch for tubes!!

Always thought your tank looks great with the light you have...
Well, thanks! I had decided to leave the lighting here alone. I have good growth and didn't want to end up with issues with co2. Lol you could maybe think about led lighting at some point where you can shut off some of the leds.
actively researching the LED option...don't want the frogbit to suffer for it though; the poor stuff has a hard enough struggle what with my naughty fish eating its (once) nice long roots!

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