How much to sell a second hand reef


New Member
Mar 5, 2004
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A customer of mine is moving and is looking to sell his reef tank (were planing a MUCH bigger set up for the new house)
it is a Aqua Medic Percula 120 and contains:
all the equipment wired into a water proof switchbox (worth£80)
aprox 50kgs of fiji live rock
2 ritteri anenomes
clam with a 6in mantle
4 types of clavularia
3 leather corals
6 different polyp colonies
3 sponges -1 ball 2 trees
purple frilly gorgonia
coral beauty
2 perc clowns
flameback pygmy angel
and 3 other fish i cant remeber cos its been a long day! :p
The retail value is more than £3000 but i dont know how much to ask for it would £2k be reasonable? it is less than 2 years old and since i maintain it its in very good condition :D
I guess around the 1500-2000 mark. I know you spend alot of money on this things, but you will never get it back even selling it. At least get as much he can, I wound't want to lose such an amount of money :).

Good luck with the sale for your friend/customer
can i buy any of that? how much for the clam?

also if you are interested in selling do you accept paypal, do you ship?

or does your costomer/ friend wana sell any thing?
I do accept paypal but i think he will only sell the whole thing as a set as he is relocating he works on an oil ring so is here for 2 weeks and away for 2 (i maintain it in his absense) do you know where would be a good place to advertise it?

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