How much to feed 1 Rainbow Shark?


New Member
May 10, 2004
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I have 1 Rainbow Shark in a 4ft tank. For years I was feeding him about 1 algae tablet every 5 days. He is about 3 years old and about 6inches in length. Am I feeding him the right amount? Recently he has moved to a new tank with 4 greedy barbs but now he has been moved out because he was too territorial. I want to mix him with 6 green tigar barbs but need some advice on how to make sure he eats enough when the barbs are let loose.
Main thing to do, is give it a try and see what happens. Watch them for the first couple of times and see what happens. If you shark is territorial, i doubt that he will have any shyness and he will go right to the food.
For years I was feeding him about 1 algae tablet every 5 days.

You should try and add some variety to his diet and feed him more often (ie. 5 days a week and skip two days, or every other day)......It will make him healthier/happier and less susceptible to disease.

Try a variety of flake, seaweed, romaine lettuce, even shrimp pellets, or meat tablets, frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms to give him a varied diet. Their omnivourous and therefor need some meat in their diet.

As far as the barbs go, he should be fine with them. just make sure your shark as some caves and or pipes such as pvc pipes from Home depot. He should be able to get to the food in time.

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