How Much Substrate?


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
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I have a new 55 gallon tank, with about 3/4 inches of substrate in it. The color is too bright white and I wanted to add some light brown substrate. Would I have to take some out, or would it be ok to add only about 1/4 inch over the exisiting. I just don't want waste to accumulate under the gravel.

There's already water and fish in the tank!
adding another 1/4" of sand wont be a problem but you need to have some critters to turn over the sand? do you have??
adding another 1/4" of sand wont be a problem but you need to have some critters to turn over the sand? do you have??

So far I have 1 leopard catfish about 1.5 inches and one cory catfish 1.5 inches, not sure if they turn over the gravel.
There are people with 4 inches of substrate and do just fine. As long as you have plenty of plants and livestock to turn over your substrate then it's all good news!

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