how much should expect to pay for...

Where have you found that sells Spotted Arowana? (Barramundi)
I would guess that you going to be paying BIG money for one of those beauties as Australian exports are now highly regulated and restricted, although this species is also captive bred outside of Australia and is even an introduced pest fish in some parts of Asia.
I'm doing a touch of importing with a mate, so wondering on UK price tag. Depending on how much i can get for them I might not bother importing them on the other hand i might payout that bit more to get some more in for a high return!!

The importers are in Thailand. The also have arapaima, asian, black and silver aro's. of course arapaima are restricted to what coutries they can go to, asians are more expensive than what I paid for mine, blacks and silvers I'm just not keen on importing seeing as blacks go for not much at all.
I've seen blacks go for quite a lot because they have a nicer look in a lot of ways...

I think you should go for it, you can almost deffinately make a nice return on them!

I can't remember the price of the blacks now but they weren't too cheap for what i can sell for for and you have to order in certain quantities so don't want to be stuck with alot of them.

at the moment we're estimating air fare per box as £100 to give us a guild so cheap high return fish are needed...lfor example I'm buying a box of XXL angels at 50p each, I can easily sell these for 15-20 quid.

I'ved seen blacks on adverts up for £40.
I would be very skeptical of whether they really are leichardtii and not just jardinis as leichardtii are as rare as rocking horse manure, its a typical Asian trick to lable small jardinis as leichardtii and even formosus to increase the price they can ask for them. However if the are truely leichardtii then at 5 inches i would expect them to sell for around the £100 mark.
Personally i think you would have trouble shifting leichardtii's in any numbers due to their size (24") and aggressive personalities, there are just arent enough people with tanks large enough to house arowana's and people with smaller tanks aren't going to pay £100 for a fish, this combined with that there is a good chance an adult fish is going to need a species tank only or kill every tankmate you try makes them quite unappealing to most fishkeepers.
yeh i was a bit weary if they were jardini or Leichardti. I didn't realise they were more argresive than jardini, or would you say your jardini is a bit of a soft touch CFC?

I would only be getting a few of them if i do, there must be a couple of collectors desperating looking for 1.

On the other hand though if they do turn out to be Jardini, how much should I expect from them?

looking at the list now (back at home) blacks are more expensive than the Leichardti.
I wish my jardini was a soft touch, if i could rehome it in a good home i would do so tomorrow. I keep the aggression in check via the oscar which i added last year as big target/dither fish for it but that still doesnt stop some of the larger fish in the tank regularly having torn fins and ripped skin from its attacks, at this very moment my Ageneiosus brevifilis is in a hospital tank after being bitten quite badly over the weekend. That said i have heard of some jardini's that would have massacred everything in the tank by now so compared to them maybe mine is a bit on the soft side. From what ive heard the leichardtii are just as aggressive as jardini's.

If the blacks are more expensive than the leichardtii's then dont touch them with a barge pole, true leichardtii would be at least double the price of a black as they are a far rarer fish, the leichardtii's that ive known of have been £100 each where as blacks can be picked up for as little as £20. Jardinis usually go for around the £30 to £50 mark depending on size and brightness of the colours.
maybe I'll leave them out then don't really want to be aking gambles like that on the first import adventure!!

my arowana is peaceful once again, he took a disliking to the apollo shark who got it bad with a split jaw, although thankfully this has now re grown properly and looking normal, alot more confident on his own.

it's a shame there a asian importer really, they have naff all cats! Will be getting a load of channa gachua, quite a few delhezi's and some peacock bass though, plus some BIG eels.
Let me know what the peacock bass are like, i would be interested in some decent sized (6" plus) ones.

Good luck selling gachuas, i couldnt give the fry i had away :lol: In total i only managed to sell 42 of them and only got between £3 and £5 each fish.

The trouble with predators like snakeheads and others that should really be kept in a species tank is not many people are prepared to give them the tankspace when they can have busy community tank of peacefull fish, us that like to keep the aggressive and predatory fish are a rare breed. Personally i would look into importing some uncommon community fish which have a much higher chance of selling quickly and making a profit rather than predators and tankbusters which could sit in your tanks for months.
The peacock bass are listed up at 4". Might end up keeping 1 for myself as they are beutiful then probable sell it when he's too big and evil..

oh yeh 1 of my pike cihclids are become quite bosy and has killed the smallest one, ripped it's tail appart leading to death.

maybe not them then... the community fish are a difficult one, i have to order in atleast 1/2 boxes and on smaller fish that alot of fish to order!

maybe you would like to have a look through the list CFC??, point out some high return fish to me :D i'm sure i could sort you out a few fishies!
Sure, PM it over or post it up in here if you like.

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