How Much Sand Needed?


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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Hi guys.
As some will know, ive had to throw away my old sand as I left it standing in a bucket too long (long story involving a house move ect.)
Anyway, I will be moving my tank back into my house from the garage soon and I was wondering how much sand I would need to give a decent layer of maybe an inch or 2 deep.
The tank is around 4ft long and 2ft wide.

cheers guys

I believe the general rule is however many gallons your tank is. For example 37 gallons = 37 pounds of sand. Roughly. You may want a little bit more if you want 2 inches. But if you're not having any burrowing fish, you should probably stick with <1 inch.
That'd be a LOT of sand...

My best reccomendation for a 4x2 would be to start with a 30-40lb bag and see how that goes. It SHOULD be enough for a 1" sand bed. If it wasn't quite enough, you'll have a good idea on how much more you'll need :)
Ok thanks guys.

I will start off with a 25kg (about 50 lbs) which I can get from work for £15.30 with my staff discount, not sure what that equals to in the US but its a good price over here.
If its too much, I will be able to get a decent layer of sand out of it, and if there is too much, I will have some for the sump too.

Yep agree with Ski, I used a 30 lb bag in my five footer - have about 1/2 inch of sand in places and a bit more in others, I didn't need much as I do notplan on having burrowing fish

Seffie x

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