How Much Nitrate In Tap Water Is Normal?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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Just tested my tap water, with dechlorinator added, using API liquid kit and got a result of 10ppm. How does that compare to other people's?
Thanks :)
Wow, down here in Melbourne Australia, especially down the Peninsula where I live, Ph is 6.6 but 0 on Nitrate.............

Maybe each country is different, I don't know...........:('
mine is 8,fife,scotland

Just means that no matter how large a water change u do it'll never go to 0, but anything below 50 is "harmless" to the fish AFAIK
Mine seems to vary, last time I tested I think it was 10ppm, tryed a few months ago and it was 5ppm. Now my test kits out of date :rolleyes:.

My "overstocked" tank is anywhere between 0ppm and 20ppm right now (kits just out of date so cant test right now, but I've never seen it above 20ppm, and it's usually at 0ppm) :good: .

Plants are a wonderful thing.
Right now mine is close to zero but, in a couple of months, the farm fertilizer runoff will move it to the 20s or even into the 30s.
when I used to use test kits my tap water measured 5ppm.

According to the water report i got it was actually 30ppm :rolleyes:

yey for super innacurate NO3 test kits lol. I just keep an ammonia & nitrite test on hand.

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