How Much Nitrate Does Your Tapwater Contain?

Thats about normal in the UK

According to my water company for the year 2006, the average level in my tap water was 29.8 mg/l

It's very annoying to have this level straight out of the tap, and for me its the biggest arguement for Reverse Osmosis (RO) water

As you may already know, the legal limit is 50mg/l

And when i looked at other water authorities, i think i must have checked at least 30 different ones all over the UK, none of them had an average reading of LESS than 18 mg/l hence why i say your 23 mg/l is (unfortunately) NORMAL levels
Does anyone know how much Nitrate is in rainwater... ( I would think that it is generally very low )...
havent got the foggiest

why dont you get out there next time its raining with your test kit LOL

interesting point though
Levels here in West London vary between 30 and 70ppm depending on the time of year, during the peak of summer when water usage is at its highest is when the nitrates are at their highest where the water company is recycling the water as fast as it can to get it back out into the mains. A year round average is 40ppm straight from the tap.

Rainwater should contain no nitrate as it should have the same values as distilled water, however clouds can pick up contaminants from air pollution so there could possibly be some nitrate as well as other nasties present.
A couple years ago when tested it was 10.

Current tap water nitrate is 0

For an experiment, I tested some snow and it is 5. I got my sample as quick as I could since the outside temperature is 1°F / -17°C. With wind chill, the temperature feels like -20°F / -29°C. :S I need an Irish coffee to warm me up! :lol:

Edit: added current results
Mine here in sunny Essex ( south-eastern UK for those non-Brits amongst us :lol: ) is 20 from the tap
ours is 0 or very very low, fluctuates slightly.

were really lucky here for nitrates

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