How Much Longer?


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2007
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Well guys.. its been 2 and a half weeks... things are going great i finally got the petros off blood worms and onto the food that i feed my normal fish? How much longer should i be waiting before adding? this thursday will be 3 weeks? should i wait until 3 or 4? i dont want to rush things.. And also i thought i might start asking before the day comes and i start trying to figure stuff out on the forums haha.. how should i transfer the fish from the two tanks? the tanks are maybe .5 degrees difference from each other. and they are less than 6 inches from each other? Do you think i need to acclimate them to the new tank? i was thinking i probably wouldnt but thought i would ask. i do water changes every 3 days. all tanks are checking out.. same ph.. no ammonia no nitrites... i was planning on just using a cup and switching them so they didnt have to go through the trouble of getting caught in a net. Thanks again!
how much longer do you think i should wait in days before adding or am i fine now?

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