Sea Turtle
Fish Crazy
I am ordering live sand for my 80 gal reef tank. How much sand should I order?
Can I use this for the whole tank? http/ like 20 pounds or so live sand and the rest use dry sand. Aragonite is best.
Aboloutely, don't waste money on "Live" sand... There is no possible way that a bag full of water, sand, no water movement, and NO oxygen that sits on warehouse shelves for who knows how many weeks/months has anything left "alive" in it. Save your money and get the plain aragonite like you linked. FYI, after shipping costs, it may be cheaper to buy at your LFS, or go to your local Lowes/Home Depot and get Kolorscape sand (which is aragonite)
It says most of the bacteria is dormant and some are in spore form so they start growing when they are exposed to air. ont know if its true just what i read