How Much Is Too Much?


Fish Addict
May 20, 2007
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Well today I bought Hikari algae wafers and my Bristlenose hogs it all and there's none left for my clown plec and whiptail catfish. Would it be okay to add another wafer in another area so the others can get to it or is that too much food for one night?
try feeding at different ends of the tank. wait till the 2 fish are at one end and your bn is at the other then drop 1 wafer to the bn and 2 to the others on the other side. ive had this problem before. wait till the next feeding time. and then try it. post back to let us know what happens.
regards, community.

P.S. you could also try some cucumber or zucchini. good luck
yeah thats what i do with my eels aswell. the bigger one takes everything so i feed him first and then lure the small one away.
Thank you all so much. I bought some cumcumber yesterday and that's what I used to feed them all the time until I got the wafers yesterday. I figured I'd switch up their diet. Oh and it did work. The bn would eat one and I would drop the other one by the whiptail since he's a slower mover than the clown pleco who has no problem finding food.

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