How Much For Water Changes On 150G Marine Tank?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Just out of curiosity if I had a 60x30x24 marine tank (150g) how much would the water changes cost roughly salt wise and how much roughly water wise would I need to change?

Just out interest like not that I;m looking to upgrade to my larger tank

Simon :lol: :lol:
my new tank will be just over 150g.

if you buy a bucket of salt, you should get around 600L worth for £50. Which is about your 150g so at 10% of this its about fiver in salt per change. i Still plan on doing 10% but ptobably once ever fortnight.
I suppose the water params will be easoer to keep stable than the 20g tank I;m running now?
I just look at my little reef then the big tank in my garage and wonder whether to convert. one of the only things putting me off is my house is for sale and I may wait just incase we move
the buckets of kent marine salt i get are 760 litres worth for £49 (with discount) its £59 normally i think.

my old 7x3x3 used to cost me a fortune in salt all the time!
it worked out at 392.57G!!

but yeah like you said, the water is much much easier to keep stable because of the higher volume.

i never had any problems with bad readings at all, ever! :D

EDIT - what size tank do you have in garage?? i want it!!! :D
its not as big as yours Pearson its a 60x30x30...... its these thoughts of decent size marine fish!!! trouble is the fish I want would not be compatible with corals I suppose cos I like moray eels, lionfish, pufffer fish, triggers and angels? :crazy:
im not saying this is set in stone, but lionfish shouldnt be a problem, morays shouldnt either, and some triggers are ok too.
my red toothed trigger is in with my coral frags and hasnt touched any of them - yet lol

my midnight angel, before it died from the stress of broken tank and moving to new tank didnt touch them either

as for puffers im not sure but i think some are ok with corals

its really trial and error imo :)
To be honest I know a lot of people (myself included) that don't do "regular" water changes on larger tanks. If you have a good size skimmer on there with a fuge then doing the standard one water change every week to few weeks isn't really needed. My tank isn't a great example of this working as I have always had phosphate issues (this is due to other causes though).

If you look at SkiFletch's tank though it is flourishing and as far as I remember he only does a water change around once every 6 months.

If you do go with corals and decided not to do so many water changes you may have to dose with calcium/mag, etc but that still works out a lot cheaper and easier then doing a weekly/fortnightly water change.
Or you could spend a fortune and get one of THESE :D

Stupidly expensive and not the easiest to install but quite cool
cheers Craig!! are you on commission!!! lol
Cheers for that info Barney thats food for thought!!
Everytime I look at the tank now I can imagine a large Volitans in there!! :hyper:
cheers Craig!! are you on commission!!! lol
Cheers for that info Barney thats food for thought!!
Everytime I look at the tank now I can imagine a large Volitans in there!! :hyper:

No mate, my problem is I can't stop looking for the cool gadgets, Reefloat are supposed to releasing an auto water changer soon that will be <£100 and obviously based on our 240v supply. It would be a total waste on my nano as I'm only doing 18L (20%) water changes so hardly hard work but on the big tanks like yours at 100g + I dare say it can be quite labourious carrying out water changes of only 10%.

The whole down side to it really is having to house the tanks for the fresh SW and the waste tank water.
right I've decided to do this and wish to stock a snowflake moray, volitans lionfish and dogfaced puffer. If I could get a Niger Trigegr in there or an Emperor Angel I would but will wait for advice on those!!
right I've decided to do this and wish to stock a snowflake moray, volitans lionfish and dogfaced puffer. If I could get a Niger Trigegr in there or an Emperor Angel I would but will wait for advice on those!!
That will look great. i dont post in the marine section much but i saw some of the dog faced puffers in egypt and they where absolutely amazing. I would love to use my 150G for one but dont think it would be best to start at the deep end. Cant wait to see pics. Shame the uarus and rubber eel will have to go they are stunning
I know but I;ve been so unsure with this tank since I broke up my long standing oddball tank last year. I should never have done that really
I know but I;ve been so unsure with this tank since I broke up my long standing oddball tank last year. I should never have done that really
Yeah i get what you mean. Its just a shame it took you that long to find a rubber eel and now it has to go.
Its not going to be a quick progress
I have to prioritise my car for a bit so prob just after xmas.
the rubber eel is ace was hand feeding him prawns before , at one point he missed the prawn and was biting my finger, so cute!! I have to hand feed him due to the greedy Uarus!!

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