How Much Food For My Cray?


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi, I was just wondering how much you feed your Crays. I just bought one and I am feeding prawns and cucumber at the minute but I'm not too sure how much I should be giving him. He is about 3 inches long at the moment.
Anyone? At the moment I am cutting a prawn up and feeding him 1 a day. Is this ok?
3 inches... So he's a fairly young cray. Yeah, I'd say that amount of food is probably fine for him. If you're not certain, you could try adding a little more. If he eats it all, all's well. If he leaves some, just take it out if it's still there after a few hours.
Anyone? At the moment I am cutting a prawn up and feeding him 1 a day. Is this ok?

lol you get different answers to this question. some say a shrimp once every two days if fine, some say one a day is ok. its worth remembering that unlike fish, cray have a true stomach, well three actually, but they are smell. i feed on that assumption, giving food a little at a time, say twice a day, and remember it will clean up anything that makes the bottom of the tank. most cray, well redclaw, but it works for most, move from meat to veg as they mature, though they will still eat meat if there is nothing else.

i would love to see a picture of your cray, we really dont get enough posts on these guys!!
Thx Bob, I will try and get a decent pic of him later as I'm in work at the minute. The tank will need cleaning first aswell as I had a ton of plants in there just floating about so they grew out. Seems he was looking for some mischief during the night and has chopped up nearly all of them so the tank looks ridiculous now. I will try my best though, thx again.
3 inches... So he's a fairly young cray. Yeah, I'd say that amount of food is probably fine for him. If you're not certain, you could try adding a little more. If he eats it all, all's well. If he leaves some, just take it out if it's still there after a few hours.
i agree fully with Xan, feed im a bit more and see whats left over. if theres none left then you know your doing the right thing.
Hi guys, thx for ur time in replying. While I hve ur attention I would like to run something by you. I have other tanks spare and at the moment I have my Cray in a 2.5ft 20 gal. I also plan on buying some Red leg crabs soon and doing a special set up of a half filled tank and hopefully some land if I can fashion it properly. The only real possibility for these 2 tanks are the 2.5 20gal and a 2 foot, high 27gallon. I would just like any thought s on which I should keep the crabs in and which I should keep the Cray in. I am presuming they cant live together due to the cray will probably just eat them. Is this right? Any thoughts on which tank is best for each species would be much appreciated. Thx.
Hi guys, thx for ur time in replying. While I hve ur attention I would like to run something by you. I have other tanks spare and at the moment I have my Cray in a 2.5ft 20 gal. I also plan on buying some Red leg crabs soon and doing a special set up of a half filled tank and hopefully some land if I can fashion it properly. The only real possibility for these 2 tanks are the 2.5 20gal and a 2 foot, high 27gallon. I would just like any thought s on which I should keep the crabs in and which I should keep the Cray in. I am presuming they cant live together due to the cray will probably just eat them. Is this right? Any thoughts on which tank is best for each species would be much appreciated. Thx.

i would be inclined to use the larger tank for the cray, imo 30g is about the smallest tank i would house one in. you may be surprised on how the crab and cray get on, but that will depend on which cray you have. my redclaw even fed next to the crab, Chinese red. but it would be a risk to be sure.


crab lodges are real fun. but complicated to do, give me a pm and i can give you a link that may help.
Thx for all ur help Bob, I am leaving work now so I will pm you in in about an hour or so. So do you actually keep a Cray (I think mine is the same species as yours) with Crabs or was that just a temporary measure? I actually have a 40gal filled at the moment but I could even split that into my smaller tanks if I was going to keep my Cray and Crabs together. That is 48"x12"x15" which I woul;d imagine being much better for them. I would love to put my Cray in my 90gal but I doubt he would last too long, or he would get my eels.

sorry forgot to say, that is a lovely looking Cray there, lovely colours and the Crab looks amazing. I am pretty much as big a critterr fan as I am fish tbh, just that around here it is a very limited selection, mostly very basic shrimps like amano, Crays and those Crabs you have there are the only available.
Thx for all ur help Bob, I am leaving work now so I will pm you in in about an hour or so. So do you actually keep a Cray (I think mine is the same species as yours) with Crabs or was that just a temporary measure? I actually have a 40gal filled at the moment but I could even split that into my smaller tanks if I was going to keep my Cray and Crabs together. That is 48"x12"x15" which I woul;d imagine being much better for them. I would love to put my Cray in my 90gal but I doubt he would last too long, or he would get my eels.

sorry forgot to say, that is a lovely looking Cray there, lovely colours and the Crab looks amazing. I am pretty much as big a critterr fan as I am fish tbh, just that around here it is a very limited selection, mostly very basic shrimps like amano, Crays and those Crabs you have there are the only available.

lol no its a full time thing. redcalw are said to be the most peaceful of the cray, but it does depend on the cray.
wife loves the crabs. so i need to sort out the lodge i started lol months ago. will always try to keep one in my community. red crab are brackish, so you will need to sort out some dry and a little brackish bath. though redclaw, well most cray really, are said to do fine in quite high salt!
red crab are brackish, so you will need to sort out some dry and a little brackish bath
Boboboy, I've been wondering about that, how do you do that in your community tank?

We sell quite a lot of 'Thai red crabs' at work, but tbh most people who buy them are buying them as puffer food.
I can get them for 96p each with my discount, and I think would like to try some in my trigon 190 community tank when its set up in the summer. The water level is going to be 2" below the rim of the tank (4"-5" total headroom), with a long piece of wood sticking out the water providing dry space for them.

But I'd like to know about the idea of having a brackish dish accessible to them, how do you accomplish this? And how big does the dish have to be?

This would also be useful for giving advice to customers, so far I've just been telling them they do much better in brackish water, but don't live as long in freshwater.

Thanks :) .
red crab are brackish, so you will need to sort out some dry and a little brackish bath
Boboboy, I've been wondering about that, how do you do that in your community tank?

We sell quite a lot of 'Thai red crabs' at work, but tbh most people who buy them are buying them as puffer food.
I can get them for 96p each with my discount, and I think would like to try some in my trigon 190 community tank when its set up in the summer. The water level is going to be 2" below the rim of the tank (4"-5" total headroom), with a long piece of wood sticking out the water providing dry space for them.

But I'd like to know about the idea of having a brackish dish accessible to them, how do you accomplish this? And how big does the dish have to be?

This would also be useful for giving advice to customers, so far I've just been telling them they do much better in brackish water, but don't live as long in freshwater.

Thanks :) .

i have a small, 8 inch square tray just above the waterline. you need to seal the lid very well. in the middle i have a think 3 inch wide by 2 deep plastic dish, with a 1gram to 1 litre mix of sea salt. made from my tank water and changed every day. they use the filter out let, to climb up. its not much but my guy likes it. I've made the comment before that they use the tank more like a bath, than somewhere to live. lol i have gravel up there, coz they kick sand off! kick gravel off too, but that's not so messy. you will have to work out how and where to fix it as tank construction is not all the same.
I think it should work if I just use large cable ties to attach a small dish to the wood, something not too noticeable. I am going to have floating plants, so these should obscure it, and possibly give the crabs something else to climb on.

Thanks for the info! :) :good:

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