mixed reef around 20X min
SPS reef 40X min
mixed reef around 20X min
SPS reef 40X min
Sorry another question, is that in total or per power head? So 260*20 = 5200 with that in mind does that mean 2 Hydor Koralia Evo 5200lph is 40x flow?
Whats a SPS reef?
mixed reef around 20X min
SPS reef 40X min
Sorry another question, is that in total or per power head? So 260*20 = 5200 with that in mind does that mean 2 Hydor Koralia Evo 5200lph is 40x flow?
Whats a SPS reef?
mixed reef around 20X min
SPS reef 40X min
Sorry another question, is that in total or per power head? So 260*20 = 5200 with that in mind does that mean 2 Hydor Koralia Evo 5200lph is 40x flow?
Whats a SPS reef?
IT would be total. So if you have a 260L, you want a TOTAL of 5200 lph. 2 powerheads at 2600 (or something similar) would meet this.
An SPS reef is a tank with all or nearly all SPS (SPS = Small Stoney Polyp) corals. SPS corals need a lot of light and flow.