How Much Ferts And Liquid Co2?


I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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I have added t-5 lights to my 46g and threw in a ton of plants. I have Seachem flourish for fertilizer and seachem excel for carbon. Now what? lol

My plants are looking a little brown already which has me worried. Do you use the fertilizer everyday? It says once or twice a week on the bottle, but with the high lights and carbon... Should I be dosing the carbon everyday as well...

Have only been going 2 days and the plants aren't looking well already. Please give me a good place to start? Thanks for lookin.
You dose carbon everyday. Because you are dosing carbon you'll want the rest of the Seachem range to fill in the gaps - Flourish Nitrogen and Flourish Phosphate
Oh...I just did some reading on Estimative Index And because my tanks are large, maybe that's the way to go, along with the Seachem flourish as my trace?
I dose carbon and ferts daily in my 30l tank. It has 24w of T5 lighting though.
Oh...I just did some reading on Estimative Index And because my tanks are large, maybe that's the way to go, along with the Seachem flourish as my trace?

Check greenleaf aquariums you can get everything from them. Including a trace mix for when you've used the flourish up
I ordered a CSM=B for the you think it'll be ok to finish the flourish first though? I could just use that on my tank with the liquid co2 and then on my pressurized set up I'll use only micro.
I ordered a CSM=B for the you think it'll be ok to finish the flourish first though? I could just use that on my tank with the liquid co2 and then on my pressurized set up I'll use only micro.

I would have thought so. :good:

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