Simply add up the wattage of all your electrical equipment, and find out what your electricity supplier charges per kilowatt hour.
Lets say they charge you 15p per kilowatt hour. That means if your using 1kw (i.e. 1000watts) of leccy for a one hour period, it will cost 15p. Aquariums have nowhere near this usage! A slight complication is the heater, as it isn't on all the time, but I'm sure you could make an estimation...maybe it's only on for a third of the time in summer, but 2/3rds in winter....
That's roughly how it works. Now, just to complicate things, You will find the leccy company will have x units at a higher rate, and the rest of your kw/hour units at a lower y rate. They will divide the x amount by the no. of days in the year, then spread this out for your quarterly bill.