How Much Calcium Should Be Added?


Fish Herder
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
I have a 260 litre female betta sorority tank that also has Apple snails in it. I've been adding calcium blocks to the tank, but am now intending to buy some bags of calcium carbonate as they are easier to obtain. I have no idea how much calcium I need to be adding though and haven't been able to find any answers by googling.

Any help here would be very much appreciated! Thanks! :D
Dont waste your money on them blocks or snail liquids get a packet of tums from boots or tesco. Per tablet there 300mg of elemental calcium.

How many apples you got
What's your pH? Calcium Carbonate will raise the pH, sometimes it isn't necessary to add additional Calcium unless your gH is quite low.
No idea on my PH,- I'll have to get a kit. This is a hard water area though. I've got 4 adult Golden Apples in the 260 litre,- plus goodness knows how many babies! I've got two other golden plus 4 Purple Apple snails in other tanks. I've been using the liquid calcium supplement in the smaller tanks, but it was costing a fortune to keep putting it in the 260! Now it seems I may not need to use it al all! ??? I'll have to check PH and see. Thanks guys :good:
Honestly, if you live in a hard water area you shouldn't need to, presumably you get lime scale deposits on taps etc? Frequent water changes should supply sufficient Calcium.
Honestly, if you live in a hard water area you shouldn't need to, presumably you get lime scale deposits on taps etc? Frequent water changes should supply sufficient Calcium.

Yes, we get a lot of lime scale deposits. I do weekly water changes on my smaller tanks and fortnightly ones on the 260 litre
You should be fine, if you see pitting on their shells add a 1 tum. 4 of them should eat within 24 hours if they need it :good:

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