How Much Are Panda Corys Around The Uk?


Aug 9, 2008
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East London
I bought my first ever 2 Pandas yesterday for £4.25 each but they're quite big, as big as my bronze and Julii ones that I've had years. Is that a fair price? Don't think they're adult size yet though. They'd tiny ones for £2.25 but they were so small that I was afraid my 2 large clown loaches would have made meals of them!! :lol: Hope I keep these two as I've never had any problems with corys but read that Pandas are quite delicate.
When I brought my first Pandas a few years back they were £5 each and stayed very small. I hadn't seen many around for a while since, but recently my LFS and the nearest Maidenhead Aquatics have started to stock them again. These are much much larger specimens (the size of Bronze Cories, maybe a little larger) and are priced at £8 or £12 each!
Rather expensive then and maybe the size I got for £4.25 each! There were 2 more so think I'll go for those 2 tomorrow, make a nice foursome. My LFS has never had them so had to go another that I haven't been to for years. It annoys me that the guy who owns my LFS only ever orders bronze, albino and peppered in and never anything more unusual. He says that those are the ones which sell but how can others sell if he never has any in stock? :no: He said he could only buy a minimum of 80 Julii and they'd take too long to sell.
here they range from £2-5 each
These are much much larger specimens (the size of Bronze Cories, maybe a little larger) and are priced at £8 or £12 each!

I don't know what you have here, but they are not C. pandas. Pandas are fully grown at around 2" in length:

Went back and the other two were still there so got those too. All 4 stick together like glue, far more than my bronzo, albino, peppered or julii do.
£3.99 at my local pets at home

i loved my pandas, but i think they was just too sensitive for my water and they all died :crazy:
Well so far my 4 are fine. I keep reading that they're less hardy than most other cories and need excellent water quality. Am going to do my gravel cleaning and water changes more often then.

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