How Much Are Most Corries?


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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i want to get some, just wondering the average price for them, because wen i went up a fish shop they were like £4 eacg for babby ones
I would imagine that would be around the normal price, I have seen corydoras julii for £3.95 each in one shop but the same fish for £7 in another. both were juvies. so depends where you go.
mine were £3.25 from blue ocean aquatics in attercliffe. though these were bronze corys.

Alessa x.
Depends what area you are from. £3-4 upwards starting with bronze. £4-5 pandas and jullis/tris. £6+ for more unusual selection
i got my bronze for £2 each and my C. copei for £5 each. i think about £2 - £3 is average for peppered and bronze, about £4 - £5 for panda and trilineatus and £1 - £3 for the dwarf species. :good:
what type were you thinking of?

cory prices have risen recently :angry: i was told at lfs its because they are becoming more popular..... ive seen corys for £30 each at some places :crazy: :hyper: :fun: :sad:

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