How much are double tails worth?


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
well, he works at this place called meijers, which is like a miny-walmart, and has a small crappy fish and pet area. well, today while my bf was working, he found a double tail male! he knows the person that works the fish, so she put it in a temporary vase that says "sold" on it, and he's bringin the guy home tonight! he said he's positive that it's a doubletail, because it's not torn up or anything....just the one split. he's being sold at a regular price, and i was wondering how much a plain-looking double tail is normally sold for?

thanks for the replies :D
depends, CT? VT?, is it mutt coloring or a good solid color? ive seen some go for 15, but those were true bred with solid colors. hope you can get some good pics!
i don't think it has CT or VT.....he said that it's mostly red with some white, and a glow-in-the-dark-like green. i don't know how to picture it, so i really have no clue what it looks like....just that it's mostly red.

it's probably a mutt......but i don't know.
A fish is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.......... :rolleyes:
I saw a bunch of double-tails at walmart for a while... but they were especially ugly ones. I'm not a double-tail fan to start with, but these certainly weren't breeding stock.

not a double tail :rolleyes: it's a split tail......and i'm still iffy about it.

does anyone know how to tell the difference between a split and a rip? :/
i dunno. now that i've seen him spread his fins out, i'm iffy....seeing that where the split starts, theres a clear like webbing....which i thing is new growth. -_-
Look at his dorsal fin. True double tails have dorsals that are twice as wide as single tails. There are twice as many rays. They literally have two tails, so if you look at each lobe, it should look really thick, with lots of rays. See how my dt's dorsal almost matches his anal?

ya....but i found out it's not a double bf swears it's a split tail, but i think it's just a tear. :rolleyes:

he just gets so excited some times. :hyper:
Im not sure, its very perfectly formed, like a lyretail or maybe a double tail... I'm no expert so i'm not sure but it's very nice all the same.


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