How Much Are Cherry Shrimp?


New Member
Jun 15, 2009
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-2 african dwarf frogs
-3 gallon tank

i thought about getting one, do they get along with adfs?

i just want one, is the tank ok size?

what do they eat
2 ADF's in a 3 gallon is a bit small I would get 1 ADF. They will be fine with RCS might ung at them every so often but the shrimp will be too fast. You could add a male betta to have something in the mid-high level of the aquarium.
Add a male betta long with the frog and shrimp? I disagree with that.
1 male betta and a few shrimp would be pushing it in a 3gal IMO.
you can add quite a few shrimp in a 3 gal with a betta. shrimp produce very little waste and are low on the bioload. if keeping shrimp, have live plants! will benefit the shrimp AND a betta.
dont know much abot adfs tho. but if the frogs wont eat/attack shrimp, you could add a few. i just hope you have the tank filtered or are doing lots of water changes
ADF's try aand eat shrimp but the shrimp are just way to fast I have seen my RCS riding the ADF around the tank at night without dire consequences. 1 ADF per 2-3 gallon is the general rule of thumb for future reference lorax

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