How Many?


New Member
Aug 22, 2011
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So i have been reading through ALL the cory threads trying to work out how many corys i can actually get into my 125l tank,

it is 80.5cm long and 35cm wide, has 125l volume but measuring it at 120l due to sand in the bottom cause i have it a couple of inches deep to plant in.

Now i already have 3 albino corys and 8 male guppies (but hoping to rehome or move them soon) after reading through all the post i thought about upping the albino numbers to 5 and then getting 5 panda corys, making the total 10 im worried this is going to be too much, as i want to add some small tetras too, ideally 5-10 but would much prefer corys as i think they are so cool!

Any advice on this will be appreciated :)

Thank you!
10 corys in a tank that size i would says that would be ok but no more than 10 this is your max
thanks, even with the tetra, guppies?

sorry i just dont want to get this wrong for my fish, ha i have overstocked before and it didnt end well :( would it be better if i just got 3 pandas and have 6 altogether?

yeass that would be good 6 all together and then if you ever see a cory you really like you could get it but no more than 10 i would say but 8 would be a comfortable number... just keep on top of your water changes and you will never have a problem
10 corys would be fine,either 5 of each or a group of around 6-8 albinos,has these grow larger (up to 3 inches) whereas pandas stay around inch & half to 2 inches.

Has long has you stick with smaller tetras/micro fish like galaxy or ember tetras your stocking should be fine if you remove the guppies. :)
Thanks Harlequins, all opinions count i say! :)

I think i will remove the guppies cause i have struggled with them... my feeling is that maybe 10 would be a little much in my tank, i really like pandas but also know corys like to shoal with there own breed. I shall have another think for another couple of weeks, i am also researching into finding a better Aquatic shop as the ones i have found aren't great.
I like the platinum tetras which are fairly small but i am unsure as to what they will get to as they grow, will need to do some more research into that :)

Thank you so much for your opinions on this!
You should just up your numbers of albinos at this point. They really only like to shoal with their own species, so at least 6 of one species.
Sorry dont get me wrong, im not actually going to be getting any new fish for another couple of weeks yet anyway as i am just doing my research into getting the right fish etc. all your opinions help a lot,

i was set on getting 3 albinos to up the numbers then i saw pandas haha, i think i will just get some more albinos just cause i do like them and my other 3 keep me so amused all the time, that i think having some more would just make me want to watch the tank even more haha.


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