How Many?


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2007
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How many DP's could I put in a 55 Gallon tank...It will be planted heavily(real or fake, havent decided yet) to break up to line of site.
8-11 dps.

5 gallons each if you want 11. 7 gallons each if you want 8.

It's up to ypu.
tbh I'd say they would get lost in a 55G,

I'd say go for a South American Puffer theme setup, these are highly active and full of character.
I have to agree that you will lose them in a tank of that size! It won't do them or the tank any justice. I'd go for Figure 8 puffers myself in a brackish set up :D
Wow, I was literally going to ask the exact same question! Did you steal my tank over night??

I was thinking 10 would be a good number. Plenty of driftwood to break up lines of sight. Some java moss to keep things "green." I understand the concern that they would get lost in a tank that size, but I plan on some other inhabitants too: some kuhli loaches and either a small algae eater or some otos. I'll definitely look into other species though. I've kept DPs before, though, so I'm kind of used to them.

What about green spotted puffers?
Wow, I just looked into South American Puffers and they sound like a great fit. I'm a little concerned about the beak trimming, but I think I could handle it. I haven't, unfortunately, been able to find anywhere selling them. Are they seasonal? Is now not the season? I'm probably going to be a month or maybe two before my tank is up and running and cycled so I'm not in any rush.

Thanks! :good:
well to be honest many wal-farts have these if you cant find them anywhere else. give that a try :unsure:
Wow, I just looked into South American Puffers and they sound like a great fit. I'm a little concerned about the beak trimming, but I think I could handle it. I haven't, unfortunately, been able to find anywhere selling them. Are they seasonal? Is now not the season? I'm probably going to be a month or maybe two before my tank is up and running and cycled so I'm not in any rush.

Thanks! :good:

The trimming is also my concern with the bigger puffers, not somethin I would like to attempt.
Thanks Jenny! I think I'm gonna stick to a full fresh-water setup, but that's a good suggestion. I've heard very good things about Figure 8s :good:

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