How Many

Do you have any preferances for certain oddballs? Some kind of puffer could be good in there.
no i just want to know what kind and how many i could get in there :lol:

How many what?

This is getting ridiculous lately, "please tell me what fish to get", "what kind and how many fish can i get", for gods sake its your tank, have a look for yourself and do some research, find out what you like, get a list of what you think would be suitable based around the fish's maximum potential size. Then by all means ask for suggestions, but at least try to do something yourself!

We cant tell you what to keep, its YOUR tank
Let's could probably get one fully grown Arapaima gigas in a 300L tank if you fold the fish correctly! :rolleyes:

I do understand DarkEntity's frustration when presented with a question like this one. There is a wide array of 'oddball' fish that will live nicely in a 300L aquarium but without a little more specificity it is virtually impossible to answer the question. There are some 'oddballs' like the above-mentioned Arapaima gigas that a 3000L tank couldn't hold when the fish reaches adult size. There are others that are relatively small and obviously you could put more of them in an aquarium as long as compatibility wasn't an issue.

im new to oddballs so thats why and by the way i mean when there fully grown aswell because im not going to be upgraiding (not enough space ) if you dont like these questions then dont answer please and no sarcy comments please thanks :good:
honestly if you were really into oddballs, you would have researched yourself and something like that i'm sure is not hard to do at all. rather then just sit around and wait for people to feed you info and in that position you'd probably critic some, as if we're obligated to be at your feet.

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