How Many?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2007
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Hi again every 1!
Iwas wondering how many cardinals you think i could have in a rio 240 with 4 angels 1 harliquin and 3 cherry barbs? tnx
15? or is that a bit conservative? In a tank that size you'd need a largish shoal to stand out. I also notice you have no bottom dwellers or clean-up crew.
Not at the minute i have 2 bristlenose in my 20 gal which will be going in shortly. Howver i was told by my lfs that i would be able to have more would you recomend any other small fish that would stand out? tnx
i am in a very similar situation to you stella. looking for a cool tetra to add into my Rio 180, similar stocking to yours except i only have 2 angels.
I think you should get some harliquin and some cherry barbs to bring the number up to 6 each or so. So they can be happier as I believe they do better with their own group. And after that if there are room for another fish, you can get Cardinals, Neons, Glowlight or whatever you would like.
i have been considering adding to my neons as currently i only have 1 but everywhere i go on the net it says that he angels i have will see the neons as a little snack!!!

my angels are only fairly small compared to the ones often seen, don't know about yours stella, so i may still add if i can't decided on anything else.
ive got/growing a planted tank at the moment and have 25 neon tetra's i have just bought another 20 to add to the tank (rena classic (approx 47 x 15 x 9 lxhxw) width is only 9 inches because of the background

i still think i will need to get another 20 possibly another 40 for the full effect (tank is 43 gallons but only 30 gallons of water where the fish are in

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