How Many?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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How many peeps actually lose their bettas within a week of getting them from lfs? I have just realised I have lost 4 of mine within a week of buying them, and the 2 girls in the kitchen dont look very happy!
I have bought five from pet stores - lost one within a week of getting him. I still have the other four after several months.
I think someone said this shop near me has a filter system that is strange and once you move the fish to your own environment they stress because of the different water. We have a coule of really good places but they are a bit of a distance and also dont stock bettas very often :/
I've bought some betta's from lf's and they are still OK 6 months down the line.

Maybe they are using RO water, and when I have bought fish from shops that use RO systems I gradually introduce the fish to my tank water over a weeks period but that is only cause I have a spare tank that I can do that with.

If you don't have a spare one then what I would do is use a container to float the fish in the tank using the original water he came in and do a gradual replacement of his water with your tank water, but I wouldn't rush it I'd take a few days so that his system isn't shocked.
I've not lost any yet that I have bought this year! My first two bettas I ever bought (seperately) did die though which is why I never really got into them until now. I think its because they were put in a 3ft tank with a strong filter (I didnt know any better)
My first two pretty boys from the lfs I got last summer are still with me and have survived much. Next I got a girlie that died soon, then I just got Dancer and Blood. Blood died, but so far Dancer is doing ok.

I have several Betta in little show tanks right now while I rearrange some tanks. I am closing down the sorority tank and have the remaining girls in the show tanks for observation and medication. I only have four girls left of about 20-25, all from suppliers/breeders. (These did not include Splashluff's girls, but did include Synirr's :sad: And Dancer is separate for observation, as he shared a tank with Blood.

So, back to the subject: of 5 lfs, 2 were good and strong, one is new and good so far.
I lost one of my males after just a few days but he was a rescue really. As it happens they gave me a freebe that my daughter chose and we came home with our combtail red male Prickles. :wub: Didn't realise he was anything other then a veiltail when I saw him in the store so that was a nice suprise. All the rest have been fine. Houdini was a rescue. He passed on about 6 months after getting him, due to a virulent disease that got three of my fish in seperate tanks in seperate parts of the house! :crazy: Ollie is my oldest fella now and he's bright and healthy and I love him loads. :nod:

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