How Many Yellow Labs Will Fit In My 25gal?


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
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i have a 25 gal tall tank with sand being cycled right now and was wondering how many i could fit in there? most likely gonna start with small guys

another Q, do all africans grow the same size at 5"? i have a african in another tank right now but not sure what kind he is
Unfortunately your 25gal isn't suitable for any mbuna (which includes yellow labs). Mbuna really need a minimum 4ft tank due to aggression and territory needs. Your tank however would be suitable for shelldwellers or some of the other small species from Lake Tanganikya.

As for sizes of Africans it really depends on which lake and group. If you are thinking mbuna, they range in size from 2.5 inches (female p.demasoni) to 7" (p.acei & p.crabro). Haps can get up to over a foot, and those from Lake Tanganikya can range from just over an inch to well over a foot.

To id your mystery fish, I'd suggest posting a pic. :good:

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