i have a 15g (u.s) 12g(u.k) 24inch tank
3 ottos
2 albino bronze corys
I was thinking of what fish to get, and i have a tetra tank so i would like something different so BETTA's
how many can i have, and what sex,
all i know is that they like water changes and you cant keep males together or is it different in a tank like mine.
i have a 15g (u.s) 12g(u.k) 24inch tank
3 ottos
2 albino bronze corys
I was thinking of what fish to get, and i have a tetra tank so i would like something different so BETTA's
how many can i have, and what sex,
all i know is that they like water changes and you cant keep males together or is it different in a tank like mine.