How Many To Get And Is My Gravel Ok?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2007
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I am thinking about getting some Corys for my new 80l tank. How many is a good number? Think about Juli corys. Also my substrate is a small black pieces, kind of looks like coal. Its very fine and not too sharp. I know they are suppose to have sand but do not want to distrurb my whole tank now. Would this be ok?
I am thinking about getting some Corys for my new 80l tank. How many is a good number? Think about Juli corys. Also my substrate is a small black pieces, kind of looks like coal. Its very fine and not too sharp. I know they are suppose to have sand but do not want to distrurb my whole tank now. Would this be ok?
it really depend on how stocked your tank is, aim for 4-6 ideally.
I am thinking about getting some Corys for my new 80l tank. How many is a good number? Think about Juli corys. Also my substrate is a small black pieces, kind of looks like coal. Its very fine and not too sharp. I know they are suppose to have sand but do not want to distrurb my whole tank now. Would this be ok?

Theres nothing in it at the mo.
I manage to find the bag last night that my gravel came in and says on it that its granulite. When you put your hand in it feels almost like sand but its black. Would this be ok for corys?

I cant see why not. I have 3 three line corys and they seem to be getting on perfect with my normal gravel. Sand is best for them.
But aslong as it isent sharp gravel its ok. And ive heard as long as there are at least 3 corys then its al fine.
Your substrate will be fine.. as long as it's not sharp or anything that could damage the Corys barbels your fine. :) To ensure they are happy, try to obtain at least 4 of the same species, but preferably 6 or more.

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