How Many Times You Add The Fert?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2006
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Yea here's an image of the fert i have. I'm wondering how many times u add it to the tank? Thanks.
Dunno about those. Thats an all in one thing.

I dose seperate things each day.

Someone will be able to help though!!!

Doesnt it say on the tin?????
Plant Gro tells you to buy a test kit to monitor the chelated iron levels, and add more fertilizer when the levels are low. I use that fertilizer too, and I dose it once every week or two. It depends on my amazon sword leaves. If the new ones that come out are smaller than the old one, then I add more fertilizer. After the leaves grow to about the same size, I don't dose again until the leaves become smaller again. I see my amazon sword as a pretty good indication of the levels in my tank.

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