how many tiger barbs?


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
how many tiger barbs will be needed to mke then happy and not nip other fish
will 7 be ok?
no i went today becasue i have a 20gal that only has afew platies so i decided to gweet 5 barbs............but i get 2 free so will the be agressive to eachother or will i need more of them for them to be happy?
You should have atleast 6 Tigers to spread out their aggression amongst themselves...But the more you have the better...In a 20gal i wouldn't have anymore than seven due to the lack of space.

I currently have 7 tiger barbs and they aren't agressive in this group size. Initially, I had tried to start with a group of three with plans to add more in a week, but they became extremely agressive towards each other, I had to pull out the most agressive, and within 24 hours anohter one had stepped up to take over.

Seven is good, and right now I have them in my 20 gal. Make sure you have plenty of hiding spots, but also plenty of open swimming space, since they are VERY active.
When small tiger barbs may seem ok in a 20gal...But when fully grown 7 of them will be quite crowded in a tank of that size. Usually i wouldn't recommend anything smaller than 30us/g for a school of TB's but if your going to do it then keep a close eye on your water readings and frequent water changes in order for them to thrive.


a school of TB's really should be in a 3' tank was already said, when full grown a 20g will be pretty cramped...keep that in mind in the future
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
are green tiger barbs just the smae but difernet colour, they look cool
There exactly the same...Just a color morph. There is also an Albino type aswell and they should both be treated the same as regular tiger barbs.


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