How many tiger barbs will fit.....


New Member
Nov 20, 2002
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Hey there everybody i was just wondering....I have a 55 gallon tank and i really like tiger barbs so i was thinking maybe a tank full of them would be the thing for this a good idea? if so, what would be a good number of tiger barbs to have in my tank? thanks for any help.
Barbs are shoaling fish and if you plan on keeping other fish you'll need to get at least 6 in order to reduce their aggression towards the other fish. They are very beautiful fish and you could have a lot in a 55 gallon tank, it would make a spectacular display to be honest :wub: :wub:
HiYa and welcome ks2 ;)

People have their own idea on stocking density and take into account water changes, maintenance and filtration.

As a general rule though you can use the formula of 1" of adult fish for each 10square inch of surface area - so you need to work out your surface area and find out the adult size of you fish ;) you should be able to get quite a few in there and I think big groups look great B)

If you want a smaller version you could try the pentazona barb and these are much les aggressive.


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