How Many Tetras Could I Fit, And What Would Be Ideal Numbers?


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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I really like Neons and Black Phantoms, and I'm thinking about getting Lemon and Black Neon Tetras in a little while... the tank's kinda new, so I just wanted to make sure the first fish (5 neons and 2 Phantoms) would live first...which they are). I'm wondering how many of each type of the above fishies I could have together in a 29 gallon tank without them ripping each other apart :D
Also, I'm wondering if tetras prefer any specific type of plant/decoration?
Generally the more fish the less aggression. I have found that tetras like plants native to them the most such as an amazon sword plant though my glowlights like my straight vallis too.
Six is usually the minimun number for a group af small tetras, more is better though. If you got 6 of the 4 species you mentioned that would give you 24 fish and wouldn't leave much room for anything else. IMO small tetras are a situation where you can have a few more fish than would normally be recommended. The tetras you mention are South American and would appreciate a planted tank or at least artifical plants. They will shy away from bright light and like the shadows created by surface plants or tall plants.
After thinking about it, I've decided that we'd rather get a total of 8 neons, 8 phantoms, and 8 lemons, so they'll be a little happier. The only thing I'm worried about is overstocking... 24 is kind of a lot for one 30gal tank, isn't it?
Also, The two plants, Straight Vallis, and Amazon Sword plants, are sold cheaply at my LFS so no worries there :good:
That might be pushing the limits a bit too much, but it is certainly possible if you have sufficient filtration and water changes. Small tetras are about as light as it get in terms of the waste they produce vs inches of fish. On the other hand, they can be sensitive to water quality. I think I would keep it at 8 of each. Might be a good idea to post the filtration you have so others can comment.
I have 2 SecondNature Whisper Power Filters. One of them was missing a part, but our LFS has ordered it and we will recieve it tomarrow.

Would 8 of the 4 Tetras and a Pearl Gourami be ok?
I have 8 serpaes, 6 black neons, and 7 blue tetras in a 20g, plus 5 corydoras and 2 otos. Overstocked by most standards, but this tank is also densly planted (75-80% of the substrate is covered) with 2 filters, and weekly water changes. So whether or not you could have higher numbers depends on how willing you are to put in the extra care. This tank is also over 3 months old and is very stable. I have even left it without attention for a week and a half (Vacation) and came back to a happy tank. I agree with Griz and would just stick with 3 species of tetra and perhaps either a small bottom-dweller or a peaceful centerpiece fish. Just slowly build up numbers.

What's the lighting in your tank? Vallis and Sword plants need adaquate light or they will not thrive. They will do even better, especially the sword plants with CO2 injection. I prefer the swords over vallis, but that is because once I inject CO2, my water becomes rather soft and vallis doesn't do as well. Tetras love a densly planted tank with swimming space in the middle.

A bit of information if you are interested. Tetras tend to school at the middle levels. Boehikea fredcochui (The blue tetra), however, tends to school in the upper levels of the tank and is rather like a danio in it's behavior. So if you're looking for a very active tetra that schools pretty tightly, I highly recommend the blue. It's subtle coloring will also look great in a planted tank, especially if you allow wood to seep tannins into the water, or if you add peat extract.

Good luck with your tank,

Just went to a LFS today and now my numbers are:

1 Apple Snail (who is possibly sick?? PM me if you can help!)
6 Silver Tip Tetras (the largest fish in the tank, and a little aggressive at first, but now they've calmed down)
7 Neon Tetras (Doing perfectly fine! :) )
5 Black Phantom Tetras (1 of them is small and is getting bullied a 'lil by the Silver Tips but I'm watching it closely)

+ 4 Live Plants, 3 Fake Plants, a piece of wood, a rock, and some Java Moss.

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