How many species of fish do you have

How many species of fish do you have all together currently?

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Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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It may take some time counting up...but its really fun to compare!

I have 17 :D


18!!! :D :D
Definitely more than 30. :nod:

4 different species of loaches. :) :wub:
5 different species of plecos. :) :wub:
About 20 species of african cichlids. :blink: :p
Apistos. :wub:
Festivums. :wub:
Platies. :wub: :wub: :wub:
Barbs. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
3 different species of danios. -_-
Cories. :wub:
2 species of synos. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
....and bettas, bettas, bettas! :X :rolleyes: :D :wub:

Probably forgot a few, but o well. :p
I have 16 species of danionins
and the rest of other fish this is a total of over 30.
Currently at 46, I think.
  • 22 species from the loriicadae family
  • 5 species of freshwater puffer
  • 5 species of cory
  • 3 species of goby
  • 3 species of tetra
  • 2 species of livebearer
  • 1 species of gourami
  • 1 species of cichlid
  • 4 species of catfish other than cories or plecs
Give or take a couple of plecs.

Plus 4 species of snail (including two pest species) and three species of freshwater shrimp.
Looks like I have 30 different species. :D :kana:

Here's the breakdown:
- 2 species of Gourami (Pearl and Opaline)
- 2 Species of Danio (Zebra and Leopard/Dwarf-cross)
- 10 species of Catfish (6 different Corys, Gibby Plec, 2 types of Bristlenose Plec, and Otos)
- 5 species of Tetra (Serpae, Silvertip, Head and Tail Light, Cardinal, and Bloodfin)
- 4 species of Loach (Clown, Yo-yo, Kuhli, and Skunk)
- 5 species of Livebearer (2 types of Molly, Swords, Platies, and Guppies)
- 1 species of Betta (splendens)
- 1 species of Snail (Apple)

Thats more than I thought I had! :p :lol:
five i guess.

1 kind of tetra, silvertip
1 kind of whatever minnows are [minnows i guess? lol]
1 kind of loach [black kuhli]
1 betta
and two amphibeans, ADFs
Ya know, I don't appreciate questions that require me to get off my couch :p ;)

I have 16 species at the house as of yesterday, had 17, but I shipped my betta kapaus off to Miss Wuv yesterday afternoon :thumbs:
14 Yahoooo :D

15 if you count shrimp :nod:

Serpae tetras
Glowlight tetras
paradise fish
zebra danios
pearl danios
leopard danios
blue danios
white clouds
cherry barbs

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