How Many Snails Are Ok For A 55 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2008
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I have 2 snails and 2 goldfish and REALLY want to get more Apple Snails, P. bridgesii.

Thanx so much!
You would be fine getting more snails. If you on have 2 goldfish... based on the 1inch of fish per gallon rule... you would only at max have 24inches and have 31 left to do other things with. I know goldfish are messy but you should have adiquate space for more.
That may be a little cool for Brigs. You will probably find that they move very slowly, grow slowly and may not breed. I would reccomend Canas apple snails as they can go down to 64 happily.
Apples snails have seperate sexes, so unless you buy a girl that just mated then you will need a male and a female for young.

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