How many should I get?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
Ok well I *finally* decided that I would like some panda corys for my 20 gallon tank now that its cycled. The other fish that will be in there are 4 or 5 platys (the 2 big parents, and keeping some of the fry that are in a separate tank right now) and a couple big apple snails.

How many corys should I get? 4? ... 6? More?
more is always better with cories :)

I think at least six would be nice; they are small, low-bioload fish so they don't take up much of your "fish allowance"

I have six and they are really active, always swimming round together, huddling and sitting on each other's heads. :wub:
Or you could get 4 pandas and 4 other cories - then you'd have a party goin'! :hey:

I've found cories nearly as addictive as bettas. They both remind me of dogs.
Yup, exactly - those waggly little tails, tumbling over their buddies. So cute... :wub:
cation said:
Or you could get 4 pandas and 4 other cories - then you'd have a party goin'! :hey:
Oh that would be fun! :) Good idea.

What other type do you think I should get?

I like the emerald green ones (not sure if thats the name really) but they seemed HUGE compared to the pandas -_- The only ones I've seen that I don't like too much are the albino ones. They kinda creep me out ;)
How about c. trilineatus or c. leucomelas? I'm partial to the spotted cories and these are 2 that are pretty readily available :)
Ahh, panda cories.. my favorite!
I used to have some. They are darling. Mine were very small (barely an inch), but I saw a few the other day at the store that were fully grown (2 inches).
I have one albino cory who is about 2 inches. He has been the exact same size for years. I used to have the emerald green version, too. Both are/were definitely cories. Now the brochis that dwarfs mentioned looks exactly like them, but is triple the size. I have only seen one once. It was an albino about 6 inches long. I couldn't believe it! I didn't get it, but I'm now wishing I had. It was quite kool.
Since you have very few inhabitants in your tank, I would get about 8 cories. There is such a variety out there. Ask your LFS to order you special breeds if they can.
Have fun! Oh! And make sure to add a little sand for even more fun :p
Yay, Panda Cories! I now have three Panda Corys (only had one for awhile, 'cause his Panda buddies kept dieing, but he had Pepper buddies) and four Peppered Corys (C. paleatus) in my 29-gallon. They're so much fun! I do like the Pepper Corys quite a lot, and they're hardier than the Panda Corys. I had an Albino Cory at one point, and I liked him too. Those are the only three species I've had. Pepper Corys are apparently pretty easy to get to spawn, if you ever want fry. Mine spawned and I wasn't even trying to get them to! I now have about 10 Cory fry :)

As far as how many, well, you ought to be able to get at least eight :nod: Corys are great little fishies! I wish my 29-gallon had more bottom space so I could fit lots and lots and lots of Corys in there!

aka Married Lizard :wub:

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