How Many Pygmy Cory Cat's In A 29 Gallon And 10 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
Bloomsburg pa
I have a 29 gallon tank that I would love to have a large school of pygmy cory's in----at present time I have medium/large angelfish and spotted raphael in the tank.
#1---would a group of 12 be O.K. for the 29, also would I have to remove the angelfish and raphael to another tank so that they wouldn't get eaten?

Also how many could I safely put into a 10 gallon tank with 3 female platy's. I was thinking 6.

I have gravel from the aquarium store in the 10 gallon and pool filter sand in my 29 gallon.
I can move the raphael and angelfish in my 55 gallon if need be.
I have corys and angelfish but mine are not the pygmy variety. As i have never seen the pygmy variety i am not sure if size wise they would be ok or not in the tank. If they are big enough not to fit in the angelfishes mouth i dont think they will bother about them at all. I dont think the raphael would touch them. I think that the school of 12 would be more than fine for the 29 gallon tank as long as you kept up with the water changes etc. I believe that the sand in your 29 would also be perfect for the corys as they are meant to prefer that as gravel can sometimes damage there barbs whilst hunting for food.

As for the amount in the 10 gallon i am unsure.

Hope this helps.

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