How Many Pygmy Cories Can I Keep In A 5 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2008
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I originally got 4 pygmys, but two of them died. I want to get some more, but I want to know the maximum I can get.
It depends on how much filtration is on the tank and how often you plan on doing water changes.
If you monitor the water quality and do a partial water change twice a week, and have a well established filter on the tank, then you could have 8-10 pygmy cories in there. However, if you miss a water change or the filter packs up they could be in trouble. A bigger tank would be a bit safer in the long run.
6 in a 10gallon would be fine. In fact you could have 10 in a 10gallon and do a partial water change each week and they would be happy.

Make sure the filter is established before you put any in the tank. Catfish and loaches are sensitive to poor water quality and most will not survive in a tank while the filters are developing.

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