How many puffers in a 29 gallon?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I am planning on getting figure eight puffers soon. How many could I keep ina 29 gallon? I don't want to have to return them later on so I'm looking for a permenant number.
If I see one more "how many puffers can I keep" topic, or "peaceful puffer?". I think I'm going to scream.
Please, post your puffer questions in the topic Puffer species stickied at the top of the page. Most of them have already been answered there. :)
Geesh you dont have to be so rude. I didn't know that people ask that question a lot.

I wasn't thinking of such a small number off puffers. Wow, is it becaue they are territorial and aggressive, or is it because of the bioload?
mostly because figure 8's are more aggressive than other puffers, they are fairly small at about 3". although If you were still in the mood to change you mind, you could either put 4 or 5 South American puffers in their or even about 9 Indian dwarf puffers.

Sorry I was rude earlier, I was just frustrated at the time. No hard feelings :)
From what I have read I would agree about 3 in a 29 gallon. I think they would be happier with just 2 though. The reason being is that puffers get meaner and more aggresive when they get older. I think you could have 3 for quite some time before space would become a problem though, and maybe it never would.

Also, if you look at GSP puffers, people recommend 20 gallons per puffer b/c they get bigger and are more aggresive. I also think that people generally don't recommend putting 2 GSP's together.

I plan on getting a puffer soon also. I am either going to give away the barbs in my 10 gallon and get 1 figure-8 or I will wait a few months and get a 20 gallon tank and one GSP (green spotted puffer). Actually, maybe I will get another 10 and 1 figure-8....depends on what my fiance lets me do also....

Another thing to keep in mind is that figure-8's like slightly brackish water with a SG (specific gravity) of 1.005-1.010 and GSP's like more brackish water SG 1.008-1.015. You should use Marine Salt only, I plan on using Instant Ocean. You should also measure the SG with a hydrometer and make sure it is rated to measure at the temperature you are keeping your tank at. Some hydrometers are for colder temperatures.

Check out this puffer forum, it's where I got most of my info:
Puffer Forum

Good Luck!
As Frank and Ryan mention, it is more a matter of territory than bio-load, but puffers are messy eaters and you will need either suitable tankmates to clean up the scraps and leftovers (like Bumblebee Gobies and Orange Chromides), or do frequent water changes.
The reason I usually recomend 3 Fig 8's , if room permits (about 10 gal/puffer), is IMO it helps spread any aggression around rather than have one puffer dominate and bully the other if there are only 2.
Pufferpack said:
As Frank and Ryan mention, it is more a matter of territory than bio-load, but puffers are messy eaters and you will need either suitable tankmates to clean up the scraps and leftovers (like Bumblebee Gobies and Orange Chromides), or do frequent water changes.
The reason I usually recomend 3 Fig 8's , if room permits (about 10 gal/puffer), is IMO it helps spread any aggression around rather than have one puffer dominate and bully the other if there are only 2.
good point. go with 3!!

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