How Many Pounds Of Pets Do You Have?

Jun 26, 2006
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I saw this on another board, and thought this could be a fun thread.

Dogs add up to 115 pounds, cats add up to 10 pounds, rats add up to 4.5 (ish), fish I would guess to be 1 pound, so I have about 130.5 pounds of pets.

What about you?
I have a dog - approximately 65lbs (and growing, shes 6 months), a bird i would say is 1lb, and 5 fish which i would say are .5lbs each, would be


I have 26lbs of cat lol (thats between 2 and not the size of one lol)
Let's see, I have 160 pounds of dogs. I think fish are pretty light, even the bigger ones, so I will say 3 pounds of fish for a total of
163 pounds of pets!
I think weight hehe if in money, i think many people here would agree that their pets are priceless :)
Money wise i wouldnt even consider working out as money could never buy any of my pets.
weight lol i dread to think seeing as i ahve a lot of large animals inc the horse at approx 700kg then molly and the 3 goats andthen skye is 40kg now at a guess i would say probably around 3000 lbs :rolleyes:
Hmmm ok... i have a larg-ish rabbit so im guessin bout 9-10lbs for him, a small cornsnake... she's light as a feather so im guessin bout 1lbs (not good with weights) then theres me tank full of fish, they wud total to 3lbs.

Overall tis 12-13lbs

LOL very light.
I dont go by pounds I go by kilo's.

I have a 25kg Staffy, 11kg Poodle, 2kg cat and I dont know how many kilo the fish are so I wont include them.

So 38kg of pets.
I have a 28kg dog, 5 female rats at about 400g each (2kg) and 2 male rats at about 600g each (1.2kg). God knows how much the snails weigh, and I dont want to scare them by putting them on the scales (some have been rescued from food markets so they might think they were on their way back LOL).

So without fish and snails, I'd say about 31.2kg.
Dunno :S The bunny weighs a ton, as does Alfred (fat cat), whereas Molly (skinny cat) weighs next to nothing, same with the hamster, and the fish are fairly heavy when added up.
lets see- presently i have about 75lbs worth of dog (one is still growing, so this'll change), 13lbs of cat, and if each fish is about .25 plus the big pleco.... .25 * 125 plus 1.5 for the pleco .... *goes to get a calculator*

120.75 worth of pet at the moment. once puppy is full grown, add about 100 to that.
ok so i have 3 dogs,a cockatoo,2 guinea pigs,4 fire bellied toads,2 goldfish,5 discus,bgk,plec,channa bleheri,puffers and corys.......I dont know how much they weigh in pounds but they sure cost a lot of pounds to feed and look after :crazy:

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