How Many Plecs?


New Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Hi everyone I am new to this forum and I was wondering how much Plecos can be in a 27 gallon tank. Also what is the minimum size tank that one Pleco can be in? I have one in a ten gallon and I was wondering if I could put more in, and same with the 27 gallon. More than one, or is just one fine?

Hi everyone I am new to this forum and I was wondering how much Plecos can be in a 27 gallon tank. Also what is the minimum size tank that one Pleco can be in? I have one in a ten gallon and I was wondering if I could put more in, and same with the 27 gallon. More than one, or is just one fine?


Any pleco is way too small for a ten gallon! Bristlenose plecos are the smallest species I know of and they need at least 20 gallons. A common pleco (assuming you have one) needs 80 gallons when fully grown. Sorry if this sounds like a lecture ^_^
I agree with above pleco's need loads of room as they are sold small but do grow to be huge
I personally wouldn't keep more than one Bristlenose in a 27g. Any other plec needs a bigger tank. If you are looking for a plec for cleaning purposes, bear in mind that they make more of a mess than they clean. My common plec in my 125g leaves what looks like "silly string" all over the place

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