How Many Platies Are Needed?


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Luton, Britain
what is the minimum number of platies you can keep? i really want to keep one singly or a pair. is this possible?
whenever i added new platy colors to my tank i always added in 3s 2 females per 1 male...My first pair I only had the two, when I separated the female b/c she was prego, the male got all lonely and swam around looking for her at the end of the tank nearest her tank...also, if it is just 1 male on 1 female, your female will get all stressed out from the constant attempts at sex...which is why you need at least 2 females and lots of hiding places for the females so they don't get so stressed...that's my experience at least...
A single male would be okay, however they do better with their own kind. A pair is not recommended either, because one may just insistently bug the other with no females around. I'd go for 5, the same as for Guppies.
i was thinking along the lines of, 1 platy, 5 male guppies and 3 cories! That would be great for me!!
Not sure how a male platy will react- if it had been a female platy and 5 female guppies, I'd have said go for it. For various reasons (death and disaster) I ended up keeping a single female platy with 2 female guppies, and they interacted together as if they had been the same species. Atm I have 1 female guppy in each of my female-platy tanks and 1 male guppy in the male-platy tank and they do fine. But males are less chummy, and he might get lonely.
i see. hmm, this is completely spontaneous but:

if i were to go for, 1 male guppy + 2 females and 3 Corys,

what else could i keep with them? platys? if so how many? (males, dont want platy fry! i know the guppy fry wil lget eaten though)

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